Transforming your reality in style

About Phases Hawaii

Welcome to Phases Hawaii, where elegance meets meaning in our curated collections of one-of-a-kind gemstone jewelry and handbags finished with the same attention to detail as designer.

Founded by Beverly, our brand is a fusion of elegance and purpose, born from a profound passion for health and wellness.

Drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature and their natural healing energies, each piece in our collections is thoughtfully crafted to elevate both style and well-being.

intention setting

If you choose to wear your jewelry with intention, take a moment to hold it, close your eyes, and set your intention. Then place it on and let your journey begin.

Step into a world of beauty

The name Phases Hawaii embodies the essence of life's journey, echoing the perpetual cycle of the moon's phases.

Inspired by the symbolism of new beginnings and the fulfillment of intentions, our brand ethos embraces the rhythm of transformation.

We are dedicated to imbuing every aspect of our offerings with hope and empowerment, from our thoughtfully curated gemstone jewelry, to our designer inspired and finished handbags.


Embracing Transformation

At Phases Hawaii, our commitment to exceptional customer service ensures a shopping experience that brings joy, positivity, and a touch of magic to every moment.

With products designed to elevate both style and well-being, our collections serve as tangible reminders of personal aspirations, transcending mere fashion accessories to embody deeper significance and purpose.

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You Deserve the best

Our gemstones are delicately selected tracing its source, origin and purity. Imported from areas around the world such as Brazil, India, and Africa. We take pride in providing you with only quality pieces. This ensures each bracelet is made with 100% natural gemstones holding all of it’s healing properties. Every piece is then cleansed with Selenite & Hawaiian moonlight before delivery.